7 Funny Things employees might do over internet ;)

I was very busy over the phone when I  heard a weird ‘meow’ behind me and jumped off and looked around, only to find no traces of cats in the vicinity. Of Course, it is inside office and no one is allowed to get their pets. I continued with the conversation.Now I heard it again and saw all other around me laughing . On turning around to check what’s happening now, I saw Tom, with a head phone tucked around his head and ear, repeating ‘meow, meow, meowwww’ in different tones, pitches and rhythm- Oh, he is making an advertisement on ‘Tom and Jerry’ using a popular online application.Are you shocked?Don’tbe.There are many such funny and insane activities which even your employees do through the day which you are not aware of.


7 Funny Things your employees might do over internet

1.Designing business cards

A small rectangular white paper containing name and designations always much higher than what they have.This is definitely not their business card.It surely belongs to one of their bosses.But then no problem our employees are masters in designing one of their own choice.They can design cards with all sorts of colourful background and gut-busting graphics of their bosses with grumbling faces shouting at their employees to depict their true mindframe.

2.Play 7 ways to kill your boss

I am sure you have read it twice.But I ensure you read it right.This is a place where they express their rage for their bosses.Playing this game not only gives them a chance to whack their bosses but also gives mental satisfaction.And with a smiling face they narrate it to their colleagues. “ Yippee,Today I have passed the fourth milestone in the process of killing  my boss”.Scary isn’t it?

3.Bitching about work online

It is the unfortunate reality of the tightly packed schedule of our employees.They are frustrated  because the little work they do is boring to them.So, they have ample time to  bitch about their work online to their colleagues and friends or sometimes post status on facebook related to their work or the boss.The topic of the chats are mind blowing “Why do we have to submit the report today the board meeting is next week”,”He is looking like a cartoon in his lemon yellow shirt”,”She has no work other than buttering her boss” ,”Are you sure he is sick or his reason of absence is something else” and many more such captivating sessions go on throughout the day.

4.Making a fake profile of your boss

Mr.Singh,divisional manager of a well known company got a call from one of his friends telling “What’s wrong with you from when have you started been so fond of clowns?”To this Mr.Singh kind of shouted What?Then his friend said that Yesterday he had received a friend request form Mr.Singh and the profile picture was of a clown,the status read “See I am the clown of the town………….”.And moreover the details said that previously you  were just an employee and suddenly got promoted as the divisional manager.Mr.Singh was taken aback.BeAware.We never know who is the next target?

5.Make peculiar searches

“How can I touch my nose from my tongue”,”How come when I talk to a girl in facebook and they don’t reply back”,”How easy do you think it is to sneak into the zoo because I need to see tigers right now?”,”Why does my kid asks me so many current affairs?”God I can rarely answer any.You are wondering why I am mentioning such phrases.It is a just a small specimen of what your employees search during their office hours.

6.Funny tweets

Nowadays,telecasts are so unsensible.If they don’t find any  storyline,the character is sent abroad for an important business deal for months.What crab! Only his voice is been heard, the actor is not seen.Why don’t they have cameras there?

God created the world in 7 days well it took 9 months to create me so definitely  I am a big deal.

I have finally figured out why I can’t lose this extra weight. The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says, “for extra volume and body.

These are some of the many tweets which your employees are involved in after entering the office till,it’s time to leave.

7.Click instant photos and post them on social networking sites

With the advent of technology, every phone in hand,has a camera be it whatever megapixels.Our employees have all become part time photographers.But some are really good.If you just take , out some time and check all your facebook notifications,you’ll surely find some pictures of your employees, sleeping over there working desk.No no that’s just not the end.It has sound effects also where you can hear the snoring more clearly.

They are so hilarious that I shared it with my CEO and had a good laugh. At least for a day, the meeting went without a squabble.No doubt it makes us laugh or at times annoys us.Don’t you think, it’s time to get serious on this?It goes without saying that these so called funny activities account for a lot of productivity loss.This situation demands monitoring of employees at some points.

Please don’t look so stressed and remove your hand from your forehead.Because  now inDefend in cloud it just a few clicks away from you.Install it, and have a more closer and wider look, into to world of your employees.

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